So you are looking for someone to do multimedia work for you such as subtitling, voice over or transcription and you’re not sure where to start. You might decide to do what most do and that is to search the internet. Problem is there are several agencies out there with attractive websites and beautifully written marketing content, and you might end up feeling confused with it all. So how do you pick the right one?

Below are some important points to consider when choosing the right multimedia agency for your needs.


We all want to be treated well. Period. How your agency treats you is absolutely imperative. When you start outsourcing work to an agency, it’s as if you are starting a relationship by developing trust and communication between each other.  You want your contact to listen to your needs and ask you the appropriate questions. If you have any queries and need more clarification, it’s important that you have someone that is helpful and responsive.


You want the agency to have the correct quality checks in place so that you know you are receiving a high standard product and service. Don’t be afraid to ask about them in more detail.  With voice overs, checks should be in place to make sure the script is accurate, the pronunciation is all correct, and the sound quality is the best. If you are dealing with a multilingual agency that supply translations, then they should have proof-readers checking over the translations. With subtitling services, you want an agency that is able to have procedures in place that check the time coding of the subtitles to the video are correct and that the subtitlers have an audio-visual background. Tasks like these are essential in ensuring there are no mistakes in your final product.



Subtitling, voice overs and dubbing are all technical jobs and you want a multimedia agency who knows their technology and the correct software to use. This includes the right sound recording equipment  and workflows for voice over and dubbing projects and the latest cloud based technology and software platforms for subtitling.

Problem Solving

Sometimes unexpected things happen such as you as the client might need to make some last minute changes, or perhaps the voice over artist falls ill and a replacement  needs to be found as soon as possible. A good agency will take on board any last minute issues and will always find a solution to help keep your project on time.


Data protection is vital in this industry. An example would be if you are dubbing or subtitling a film or Television show, it is vital that nothing is leaked on to the internet. A lot of money gets spent on film production so you need to know that your files are secure and in safe hands that you trust. Don’t be afraid to ask your agency what measures they put in place to ensure that your files are kept securely.

Is there anything else you think would need looking at when choosing a multimedia agency?