If you were experiencing a story – watching a film, reading an article, exploring a website – what would it feel like if parts of it were just… missing? If entire scenes were silent, text was unreadable, or crucial moments were out of reach?

Now, how would it feel if everyone around you was experiencing that same story, but in all its glory. They had the inside scoop. They were privy to the plotline that had been lost on you. They were busy gossiping about the scandals you hadn’t seen. They knew the ending, while you were lost in the muddled middle of it all.

Have you ever tried to hold a conversation with someone you love about something important, while their face has been buried in their phone? They humour you. They “mmhmm” and “uh huh” intermittently, but you know it’s all an act. They haven’t really taken it in or understood you. You’ve told your story and it’s been totally lost in translation.

Whenever any of us try to communicate effectively, it is not just our message that we need to consider, it is how that message is going to be delivered and received by our audience. Will it make sense to them? Will they feel compelled by it? And, perhaps most importantly from a business point of view, will they buy into it?


Considering accessibility 

When people hear the term “accessibility”, often they have already associated it with extra effort, a thankless task, another chore to add to the impossibly long list.

Yet, being able to make your stories, your content, your work accessible to people is a skill which is hugely undervalued and ignoring it is costing companies and creators money, time, energy and trust. Some of the most intelligent people in the world fail to achieve their fullest potential simply because the way they communicate is all but incomprehensible to others.

Any content creator, business owner or even giant corporate organisation knows how hard it can be to grab and hold people’s attention in today’s world. It’s no good shouting louder if your yells fall on deaf ears. It’s no good preaching to people who are bound to turn a blind eye. However, this is exactly where I see an opportunity.

My work in accessibility has taught me a secret. In order to provide access, you have to be in the game of innovation, of creativity, and of thinking outside the box.


Speak to real people, for real accessibility feedback 

Have you ever had a conversation with somebody that has released a million exciting thoughts like a shower of colourful fireworks whizzing around your mind? It’s more than a light bulb moment – it’s like a whole disco in full groove!

Well, if you want more of those moments in terms of accessibility, it’s time to start talking to more people. All different kinds of people.

There’s no need to guess what people need when you can simply ask them – and what if their answer not only provides practical access to your work, but also gives you an idea that could propel your business to the next level?

For example, take something like audio description.

A simple enough concept – filling in those gaps with the information you need when you can’t see it – because it makes everything fall into place. However, some people don’t just stop there – they get creative with it.

You might hear characters from the story providing descriptions of other characters, complete with sarcastic commentary or cheeky remarks which mirror the part they are playing. This then becomes more than just a way of making sense of the unseen, but becomes instead a clever and witty bonus, which can be enjoyed just as much by someone who has never needed audio description in their life, while also making those who rely on it feel seen, important and included.

And the icing on the cake? You have just stumbled upon a way of setting yourself apart and leading the pack.


Dealing with ‘mistakes’ 

Naturally, being creative comes along with a certain amount of risk.

What if an idea that I think is brilliant ends up going down like a lead balloon with my audience? I won’t lie to you, it’s always a possibility.

The question is, are you brave enough to stick your neck on the line and give it a go?

There’s no shame in testing something out and deciding it doesn’t work. Being effective in business is often about accepting that perfection is the enemy of possibility.

In terms of accessibility, it is far better to be a work in progress, because then at least you are in progress!

Accessibility experts agree on this. 


Consider accessibility from the start 

The more you practise accessibility from the start, the more it will become second nature.

Accessibility doesn’t seem like a burden when it starts to become baked into everything you do from the beginning.

Any story, idea or brand can only have an impact in so far as it is shared. If the fuel which keeps business owners moving is the belief that they have a story worth sharing, then it is crucial to find the vehicles that will do that powerful job justice.

In order to teach, we must also be willing to learn. In order to lead effectively, we must be humble enough to be guided by our followers at times.

The truth is, people are telling us what they need all the time. What is your audience saying to you? Is it falling on deaf ears? Are you turning a blind eye? The better you can get at accessing their asks, the clearer the answers about how to create a real, lasting impact with your work will become.

Building trust takes time, getting it right requires patience, but showing willing comes for free and is worth its weight in gold.

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