The Audiobook industry is a lucrative one to say the least and from research based on growth, it’s an industry worth capitalising on.

Sales are ever increasing with audiobooks. In 1997 it was worth $480 million and in 2013, sales jumped exponentially to $1.2 billion.

Why are they becoming so popular?

What was once designed for the visually impaired, has now become a worldwide loved activity. audiobooks have the ability to reach more people than the written word. Some might not have the best reading skills or have some form of learning disabilities such as dyslexia, which makes enjoying a good book a painful task. And let’s face it, some simply just don’t like reading. The thought of reading words on hundreds of pages just doesn’t appeal to many people. So audiobooks are an excellent way for them to engage their imagination while doing other things if they so wish. Scientific studies show that it makes no difference whether you read something or listen to it. One doesn’t impact your brain more than the other.

Technology is also driving this art form to make it accessible to everyone. Digital downloads are cheaper and easier for everyone. Did you know that the Audiobook digital format is far more popular than the CD version? With a smartphone, it’s even easier to listen to your favourite book while multitasking. According to Survey Monkey, 73% of 22-35-years-olds that regularly listen to audiobooks do so while commuting.

Picture of the word 'Audio' folded into shape by book pages

Being business minded about it

A lot of authors are seeing the popularity of audiobooks over print form and are now releasing straight to audio rather than print. An example would be when author David Hewson released his mystery novel “The Flood” with an audiobook company.

Production costs are much lower for audiobooks than they were in the past, so they are cheaper for customers to buy. It is has developed into a very cost effective business as nowadays the best way to create an audiobook is for producers to outsource the voice overs to professionals than record it themselves and then send over the files. This is different and less expensive to the old fashioned way which was to hire a local studio and use local voice over artists to record.

How to get started

Keep in mind that writing for audiobooks is different to writing for written books. Repetitive words would need to be edited as it’s a lot more ‘annoying’ to the ears than to the eyes. Changes of location need to be mentioned at the beginning of the scene so not to confuse the readers.

Finding a good voice over artist is also important. You want a style of voice that fits the target audience and knows the tricks of the trade when it comes to recording a good voice over. Going to an agency will benefit you as they know about the recording and editing process such as the right recording environment, the best microphone and the correct techniques when using a microphone, as well as editing the files to produce a high quality sound.

It needn’t stop there. You can get really creative with audio books, more so than written books. You don’t need just a voice. Why not add sound effects in the background that emphasise the scene?

If you have the money for it, using famous narrators will no doubt help increase your sales.

So what are you waiting for? Book a recording now.